Remember how it was. The whole history of the Soviet Union in the photos! The queues in the shops, meat, butter ... coupons, pubs, discos, Mayovka, exciting new year. Appendix "tour in the USSR" will hold a tour of the republic of the Soviet Union. Remember how it was, but if you were not born in the USSR, then take a look at that time lived, worked parents as being able to built the country, but the most important thing in what way it was reconquered. It has everything: pictures since the revolution, as the system of the USSR and the collapse of its ending.Attached photos conveniently divided into the following categories: Weekdays, Cities, Posters, Posters, Stickers, Postcards, Technology, Products, Medals, War, Money, Stamps, Cars, Buildings, Children, Sport, Pics (Scanned pictures), Miscellaneous.The app will be updated.Have a nice day!